Friday, February 23rd, 2024
8:00 AM—Check-in and Registration
8:45 AM—Morning Worship
9:15 AM—Announcements
9:45 AM—Session 1
- Ginny Yurich — Homeschooling, You’re Doing it Right
- Gretchen Roe — Exceptional Kids—What’s a Parent to Do?
- Ben Myers — Interactive Family Devotions
11:00 AM—Session 2
- Gretchen Roe — Reading & Spelling: One Journey, Two Paths and How They Connect
- Bonnie Greiner — Organize, Declutter, and Be Happy
- Bridget Anderson — Learning to Let God In: Soul Care for the Homeschool Parent
12:00 PM—Have lunch nearby with friends.
1:30 PM—Session 3
- Ginny Yurich —Preparing Homeschooled Children for an Uncertain Future
- Steve Demme — Parents as Priests in the Home
- Sarah Collins — The Impact and Development of PreWriting Skills
2:45 PM—Session 4
- Bonnie Greiner — Developing Godly Character in Children through Discipline
- Bridget Anderson — Attitude Adjustment: Soul Care for the Homeschool Parent
- Ginger Wayde — Do You Make the Grade
4:00 PM—Session 5
- Sarah Collins — The Sensory Balanced Parent
- Steve Demme — Good News for Earnest Parents
- Jonathan Brush — What a Student Needs to Know Before They Launch
5:15 PM—Enjoy dinner with your spouse or a special friend!
7:00 PM—Special free event with Ginny Yurich. This event has been canceled
Saturday, February 24th, 2024
8:00 AM—Check-in and Registration
8:45 AM—Morning Worship
9:15 AM—Announcements
9:45 AM—Session 1
- Ginny Yurich — 1000 Hours Outside, How Nature Immersion Sets Kids Up for Lifetime Success
- Ginger Wayde — Understanding PA Homeschool Law
- Sarah Collins — What is this Function You Speak of with Executive Functioning Skills?
11:00 AM—Session 2
- Bonnie Greiner — Time Management: Are you managing time, or is it managing you?
- Gretchen Roe — When Math and Anxiety Pull up Chairs to Your Academic Table
- Bridget Anderson — Finding Fullness with God: Soul Care for the Homeschool Parent
12:00 PM—Have lunch nearby with friends.
1:30 PM—Session 3
- Ginny Yurich — How to Combat Screen Time in a Tech Heavy World
- Steve Demme — How to Be the Best Husband and Father You can Be
- Bonnie Greiner — Seasons of a Woman’s Life
2:45 PM—Session 4
- Gretchen Roe — Teaching Independence – Ways Your Middle Schooler Can Accomplish Math,
Composition, and Spelling - Ben Myers — Dads, Play Your Part in Homeschooling
- Sarah Collins — The Sensory Balanced Homeschool
4:00 PM—Panel Discussion
- Panel for Moms — Ginny, Bonnie, Bridget, Ginger
- Panel for Dads — Ben, Jonathan, Steve
- Special Needs Panel — Sarah, Gretchen
5:00 PM—Go home refreshed and encouraged!
Teen Track
all sessions are led by the Unbound Team, except two on Saturday
Session 1: A Resilient Hope
Session 2: People Who Never Did
Session 3: Extreme Ownership
Session 4: Ask: Importance of Questions
Session 5: Do: Taking Action
Session 1: Understand: Framework
Session 2: Steve Demme — Developing Daily Bible Reading
Session 3: Live: How to Change
Session 4: Steve Demme — Stewardship
Session 5: Thrive: Redemption
“I walked away from the conference affirmed, encouraged, challenged and equipped to not only finish the school year strong, but to make life-changing shifts that impacted my relationships with my husband and children. I plan on attending again this year!” JS
“This conference was such an encouragement to me, at a time of year when we’re not close enough to the end of school to coast. It was the boost I needed to finish strong! I got some great freebies and some tips on dealing with my struggling reader.” JH